Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

-    The American Red Cross will be here on Wednesday October 3rd.   Please be kind and donate your time and a pint of blood.  J An appointment schedule is available in the office.  This is a wonderful opportunity to help those out who are less fortunate.
-     Just a friendly reminder…..If you are inviting a current high school student (grades 9-12) from another school, you must fill out a homecoming guest form by October 4th.  The forms are located in the front office.
-     There is a mandatory meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Ed. Complex for the cast of "The Emperor's New Clothes."

-     Any Celina High School senior is allowed by law to register to vote.  Voter registration forms are in the office.  Please take one, fill it out, and turn it in to Kassie in the office, or Mr. Sell in room 304.

-     Just a friendly reminder....TOMS fundraisers and/or money is due next week, Sept. 19th!  Any questions?  See Miss Sneddon in room 212.

-     Spirit Squad is in need of a few more workers for Friday's game.  If you are interested, please come see Miss Sneddon ASAP.  Spots will be filled first come, first serve.

-     Hooray!  The Book Club will meet for the first time this year on Thursday, September 13th.  See Mrs. Baltzell in the media center for an Advisory Pass for that day!  You must sign up to attend.  New and old members welcomed!  Refreshments will be served!  The first book will be passed out!
-     We have a pretty tall stack of school pictures in the office that need to be picked up.  Soooo....if you have not received your school pictures, please pick them up in the office ASAP!
-    How safe is your vehicle?  On Thursday, September 13th we will have our annual AAA vehicle maintenance inspection, which is performed by certified mechanics.  This 15 minute inspection will ensure your safety on the road and others around you.  This event will be happening during lunchtime, and AAA will provide free food, drinks, and a chance in a drawing to win other prizes as well.  Sign up for this wonderful opportunity in the front office to reserve yourself a "time slot". 

-    FTA meeting after announcements:  WEDNESDAY, Sept. 12th in the Lecture Hall.  Anyone interested in joining Future Teachers of America should attend (you will be given a pass after the meeting to return to your advisory).  Also, all FTA Teacher Assistants from this school year must attend.

-    For any students interested in going on the Spain trip in June, there will be a meeting during Advisory on Thursday in the Lecture Hall.  Teachers....passes will be sent back to class with those in attendance.  If interested, but you can't attend the meeting, stop by room 201 to see Mr. Higgins for details.
-    The lunch menu for tomorrow is a creamed chicken sandwich, mashed potatoes, fruit and milk OR a smoked sausage sandwich.  Sounds SCRUMPTIOUS!


The 2012 Celina Girls Basketball Fall League registration is currently taking place.  Girls interested in playing fall basketball can find sign up information at www.celinahoops.com.  Girls in grades 6-12 are eligible to participate in a “playing” league that starts in Celina on September 30th and will go through October 21st.  If you have questions, you may contact Coach Hainline at Celina High School or Coach Stetler at the Ed Complex. 

** The PLAN test is being offered on Oct. 3rd to any sophomore who wishes to take it as preparation to take the ACT.  Interested students can register with Mrs. Booher in the Guidance Office during the week of Sept. 10 - Sept. 14.  You must bring a check for  $11.25 made out to Celina High School. 

ATTENTION JUNIORS AND SENIORS.....The following colleges/universities will have a representative at CHS during Advisory Period this month.  You must sign up in the guidance office if you wish to attend the presentation. 
  • Miami University
  • Shawnee State College
  • Ball State College
  • University of Cincinnati
  • Bluffton University
  • Wright State University - Dayton
  • Defiance College

Happy Birthday today to Michael Hoenie and Skyler Houts.  We hope your day is SUPER DUPER!!


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