Thursday, February 26, 2015



Congratulations to the Students of the Month!!!!

Student of the Month:
Senior - Shawn Mason
Junior - Mitchel Mabry
Sophomore - Renee Zuercher
Freshman - Dillon Robbins

Commended Student of the Month:
Senior - Aaron Crites
Junior - Justin Keeling
Sophomore - Dylan Gilbert
Freshman - Thomas Stoner


Tri Star Career Compact's is hosting its annual Open House on Tuesday evening

March 3, 2015 from 5:30 to 8:00pm. We will have classrooms open in Celina, Montezuma,
Coldwater, and St. Marys for students, parents and the public to visit. You may visit one
or all the programs at any time during the Open House hours. This is the best opportunity to 
talk to our teachers and investigate the great career technical casses Tri Star offers.
For details visit the Tri Star website (, or call the
Tri Star office at 419-586-7060.


We are excited to announce that Spirit Squad and Student Council have been working

conjunction to bring you another exciting event before this school year ends. On
Saturday, April 11th we will be hosting our first Sadie Hawkins dance!!
For this dance, GIRLS are in charge of finding and asking their dates! While
this dance does not have a theme to dress to, there is a contest for the
Best Matching couple. We have worked really hard to make sure that this 
dance is new and exciting for you, but if that isn't enough to get you in to the 
gym, listen up: by simply attending the dance your name will be put into a
drawing for a BRAND NEW, 40" Flat Screen TV!! 


Tuesday, May 12th will be the 3rd Annual TOMs shoes Style Your Sole event. For every pair of shoes purchased from TOMs a pair is given to a child in need. The
style your sole event is a chance to customize your very own pair. If you are
interested in signing up, please bring your $20 and shoe size to Mrs. Ball 
starting on Tuesday, February 24th. Space is limited for the first 40 students
 to sign up will be accepted.


The 2015 Polar Plunge is not far away!! If you have the desire to help out a worthwhile charity
and be freezin' for a reason, this opportunity is for you! The Plunge will take place at the 
Celina Moose Lodge on March 7th. Any student that wants to take a quick jump into Grand Lake 
St. Marys for the Special Olympics at this exciting event is required to raise $50 and have a signed
waiver. Last year, Celina High School had the most participation out of all the schools in this area.
If you would like to help us keep the streak alive, see Mrs. Ball for your registration forms ASAP!!
Did we mention there is a delicious deep fried buffet if you choose to plunge? Do it for the hot wings,
do it for fun, and take the Plunge to help the Special Olympics.


Tri-Star Career Compact's is hosting its annual Open House on Tuesday evening, March 3, 2015 from 5:30 to 8:00p.m.We will have classrooms open in Celina, Montezuma, Coldwater, and St. Marys for students, parents and the public to visit. You may visit one or all the programs at any time during the Open House hours. This is the best opportunity to talk to our teachers and investigate the great career technical classes Tri Star offers. For details visit the Tri Star website (, see your guridance counselor or call the Tri Star office at 419-586-7060.


The ASVAB test, which is the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude test needed to enlist in any branch of the military, will be given in the Celina High School Lecture Hall on April 21, 2015 at 7:25am. Any student in grades 10 through 12 may sign up to take this test free of charge. Scores from ASVAB tests at grades 11 and 12 can be used for military entrance for up to two years. Any student who has already taken the ASVAB test can take the test again to try for a higher score. Please sign up in the Guidance Office and they can answer your questions.


Mercer Health invites all FRESHMAN students from all Mercer County School districts to participate in our Medical Exploring Program. This program will be offered during the week of April 20-24. Students will tour the Mercer County Community Hospital, and learn more about potential career opportunities.

The Medical Exploring Program offers a multi-faceted educational opportunity to the students. For more information, please contact Mindy Kremer 419-678-5613.

The following scholarships are available in the Guidance Office:

           -MED Foundation
-Bruce Strohl Memorial Scholarship
-Western Ohio Education Foundation
-Marian F. Abrams
-William & Patsy Dawson
-Mercer County Retired Teachers

-Celina Athletic Booster Club 
-Celina Firefighters
-Mercer County Civic
-Immaculate Conception P.T.O. Scholarship
-VFW Men's Auxiliary
-Greater Celina Area Soccer Boosters
-Leitzell Family Foundation Agricultural/Horticultural
-Celina Lions Club
-The Shelly Company
-Paul Lefeld Family
-South Shore Sportsman's Club

-Rotary Scholarship
-FTA Scholarship
-First Choice Credit Union
-Mercer County Farm Bureau
-Celina Manor
-VFW Tommy Turnipseed
-VFW Ladies Auxiliary

**There is a change in the William and Patsy Dawson Scholarship. It is now open to any student
     majoring in Nursing, Veterinary Medicine, or Elementary Education.
**The Rotary Scholarship applicants must have been Student of the Month or
     Commended Student of the Month



**Edison is offering an ACT Prep class at its Piqua and Greenville campuses. Sessions are scheduled to prepare you for the April test. Information and applications are available in the Guidance Office.
The date of the Spring ACT is April 18. This test is offered here at the High School. The deadline for regular registration is Friday, March 13. For information on registering for the April test, check in the Guidance Office. REMEMBER THAT ALL Juniors planning to go to college should plan on taking the ACT this spring.



Information is currently available in the Front Office for the annual American Legion Buckeye Boys State. This is a premiere program offered to current juniors across the state of Ohio for teaching how government works while developing leadership skills and an appreciation for your rights as a citizen. As a participant in the program the student will run for office, learn public speaking, create and enforce laws and actively participate in all phases of creating and running a working government. Following are the dates for this year's program:

Buckeye Boys State - June 14-21, 2015 at Bowling Green State University

There is not cost to the student - The Celina American Legion will pay the entire cost. The organization will choose three or four students each to represent Celina High School at the seminar. Stop in the front office or see Mr. Wenning during lunch if you are interested in receiving more information about these two very valuable opportunities and completing an application.

Lunch Menu

Monday- Cheesy Garlic Flatbread, Tossed Salad, Fruit, Milk
Tuesday- Mushroom Burger Bar, Fries, Applesauce, Milk OR Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Wednesday - Chicken Strips, Broccoli w/cheese, Dinner Roll, Fruit, Milk
Thursday - Boneless Wing Bar, Fries, Fruit, Milk OR Philly Steak Sandwich
Friday - Nachos, Burrito, Taco w/lettuce & cheese, Refried Beans, Fruit, Milk OR Cheeseburger

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GABE HERMAN, CHRISTIAN BERRY, JEANNA DREES, GAVIN HERMAN.....may your Birthday be funtastic and totally cool:)

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